Image 1: "St. Stephen's and Armonk, NY: A 175 Year Connection."
Connecting Community Through Local History
The presentation, “St. Stephen’s and Armonk, NY: A 175 Year Connection” explored the historic link and personal stories that have united St. Stephen's Church and the Armonk community over the last 175 years.
Image 2: "Armonck": This is not a typo. In 1850, the name originally had a "C" that was later dropped.
The primary theme was Connections and Community, which demonstrated the importance of community by connecting the personal stories that occurred throughout our local history.
Image 3: 175 Years and Beyond - Today, we want to set the foundation that considers looking forward. Forward out to the 200th, 225th, and 250th anniversaries. We will then looking back to the historic 175th.
The next steps are to investigate ways to digitally facilitate personal connections. The goal is to establish self-sustaining programs that enable the community to access, explore, and appreciate the historic link and personal stories that have united the community over time and inspire new stories (and community engagement) into the future.
The full presentation can be found at this link.