Confirmation — St. Stephen's Armonk, NY

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Although one can be baptized at any time of life, most baptisms in the Episcopal Church are when the candidates are babies and therefore not able to make the public declarations of faith for themselves. Confirmation is a sacramental rite which allows a person to ‘confirm’ for themselves the baptismal vows made previously on their behalf.

What is confirmation? Take a look at our explanatory page.

Our group of newly-confirmed and received in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, with the Bishop of New York and our Rector, Fr. Nils Chittenden.

Our group of newly-confirmed and received in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, with the Bishop of New York and our former Rector, Fr. Nils Chittenden.

Confirmation classes run periodically and confirmation services with a bishop are available on one or two dates each year, either here at St. Stephen’s or at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Manhattan.

If you are interested in confirmation, reaffirmation of confirmation vows or reception into the Episcopal Church, please contact us via the email below.