Singing at St. Stephen's
Members of St. Stephen’s enjoy music that engages us more deeply in worship and community. We look forward to singing hymns on Sunday and to listening to our all-volunteer choir – which sings every week. In addition to Sunday Worship singing, St. Stephen’s Choir augments its numbers to perform concerts and Evensong services for the Armonk community and beyond.
James Turner, Our Music Director
In 2016, because of the renovation of our beautiful 1842 sanctuary, the organ was removed for safe-keeping. Since it was being removed, and needed cleaning and rewiring, we decided to upgrade it and make it much more versatile instrument. This new organ was built by the Peragallo Pipe Organ Co. of Paterson, NJ and was inaugurated on Sunday, May 7th, 2017 by world-famous organist Anthony Newman. It is a pipe-digital hybrid and one of the finest organs in the area. Read more about the organ here.
As part of our 175th Anniversary celebrations, in 2016, St. Stephen's commissioned acclaimed British composer Paul Mealor to write a choral piece on a setting of Psalm 84: 'How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place'. This piece premiered on Sunday, June 4th, 2017 at a concert.
As a community of faith, we are especially mindful of St. Augustine’s belief that those who sing, pray twice.
If you would like to see some of our special music programs, check out our YouTube channel.