Feeding Our Deepest Appetites

We are besieged by abundant access to junk food. Not just fries, chips, soda and other sugar and trans-fat laden enticements. But also bottomless online media feeds, toxic forums and comment sections, and an endless parade of products offered to us all day, every day, most of which enhances the wellbeing its providers’ revenues much more than the wellbeing of our own hearts, minds and spirits. In this sermon Fr. Garrett offers anecdotes from the lives of three individuals which present clear contrasts between the empty calories of life that will never satisfy us and the nourishment that satisfies our deepest appetites. Jesus said, “the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” His hearers responded, “Give us this bread always.” It doesn’t come from General Mills or Kraft or Netflix or Amazon. It’s not served up to you by an algorithm that constantly tracks your habits. But it is available to you in the same abundance, without the post-binge regrets.