Nomination Form for Vestry Members & Warden Elections 2022

This year we have one Warden to elect, two partial terms to fill through election of members who were appointed to vacancies since last year’s annual meeting, and two full terms to elect.

Wardens serve two-year terms and can stand for three concurrent terms.

Vestry Members serve three-year terms and can stand for two concurrent terms.

Wardens and Vestry Members have to be members in good standing of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church (that is to say, they must be - and have been for at least a year - active participants in Eucharistic worship in this parish), and they must be over 18 years of age.

Please use this form to

a) Nominate yourself as a candidate for election to the Vestry or Wardenship

b) Nominate another member of St. Stephen’s as a candidate for election to the Vestry or Wardenship